I have a tendency to overdo things.
Bigger. Bolder. Spicier...These are words I like!
When I first started cooking, my spice cabinet became my favorite new toy and anything I made included at least ten of my little friends. Any given day, you could especially find me hanging out with my best buddies, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, and Red Pepper Flakes.
We were having a great time. But...the romance couldn’t last.
As much as I loved the kick of flavor my friends added to my new creations, sometimes it was just too much. It took me a long time to accept that more isn’t always better.
Eventually the romance did fade and my favorite buddies and I saw each other less and less...
But the happy part is that every romance that ends--or every door that closes--allows for something new to be born...
Like this simple and perfect hummus: the new love of my life.