Marshmallow Oreo Brownies



I’m not a huge baker, so I have found an easy formula to create new recipes that are just plain delicious and highly addictive.





Here it is: take three things you love AND SMASH THEM TOGETHER!!



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4th of July Recipe Round Up



The 4th of July is just around the corner and that means fun, frolicking, and most importantly FOOD. Most years I find myself making sweet treats for my niece Lucy, as her birthday falls on the 4th. We all like to gather in Fire Island to celebrate as we sing happy birthday and watch the fire works.


To say Lucy loves dessert is an understatement, so I always try my best to put a smile on her sweet little sugar addicted face and make her some incredible treats. No matter what you are making this July 4th it should be easy, should make people smile and if it happens to also be red white and blue than even better. So here are some of my favorite July 4th recipes that will make your weekend that much more sweet.





Red, White + Blue Sangria  by Crista at Peace.Love.Quinoa

Let’s start this 4th of July with fizzy and refreshing white wine sangria's! In this recipe she finishes her sangria off with sparkling water; I think I'm going to skip that part and finish it with some bubbly champagne! The best part about sangria is you can use whatever wine, fruit and juice you like.


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Oreo Brownies

Since I am not a very technical type of baker, I have found an easy forumula to develop new dessert recipes and create things that are highly addictive and just plain DELICIOUS.

Here is the formula: Take two things you love AND SMASH THEM TOGETHER!!

Sounds simple enough, right?! It’s a marriage of two already delicious things coming together to create a new and possibly even more delicious creation.

So Oreos?...check...Brownies?...check...Oreo Brownies?? Ah ha! Why the hell not!!!


1 package Brownie Mix

1 sleeve Oreo Cookies

     Prepare your favorite brownie mix to the packaged instructions. Put in the pan you wish to bake them in (i.e. 13by9, muffin tin) split oreo’s in halves and thirds and push down into batter. Bake immediately until brownies are cooked through and ENJOY!!


  • Bake brownies immediately after adding the oreos, if the batter sits too long with the oreos in it the cookies will start to disintegrate and will create a brownie mess when you bake it. Believe me, I know :/
  • I like slightly bigger chunks of oreo so you really bite into an oreo. 


You might also like these recipes:

Brownie Bites with Caramel Centers


1 Package Brownie Mix

24 Frozen Rolos

Prepare the brownie mix to packages instructions. Grease a mini muffin pan and fill each cup 3/4 of the way full with batter. Insert an unwrapped frozen rolo into the center of each cup and cover with batter. Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes. Let cool completely in the pan and remove by inserting a knife into the cup, on the side and pop out the brownie bite. Enjoy!!




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