Bunnies in Blankets

Bunnies are adorable, they are soft, their ears are far too big for their little heads, and they hop! Let’s face it, they are cute; that is as long as we are talking about a small furry animal and not the random guy hopping up and down behind me on the street. He’s not cute, he’s just creepy.

I tend to make the appetizers for Easter dinner and leave the heavy lifting for my father in-law. It’s hard to help him as I barley have a free hand (no, I cannot put the Sauvignon Blanc down. And what about my other hand? Well, it’s usually helping me taste test the cheese, a very important job).

Easter to me means carrot cake, Cadbury Creme Eggs and pillowy soft just out of the oven crescent rolls. Therefore, I took this inspiration and created Bunnies in Blankets. They take only a minute to make, are very elegant, and they are just plain yummy at the same time.

The carrots take on a deep and smoky, almost meaty flavor by simply letting them caramelize in the pan with butter, smoked paprika and maple syrup.

Wrap this meaty carrot in a flaky crescent roll and somehow you have not only improved on pigs in a blanket, but made it meatless at the same time.

For such a feat I think you deserve a medal! And no, you can’t have mine; it matches my Easter dress :)

Bunnies in Blankets
makes: 24 carrots

- 24 baby carrots
- 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
- 1 tablespoon maple syrup
- ¼ teaspoon smoked paprika
- ¼ teaspoon kosher salt
- One 8-ounce can crescent roll dough
- Preheat the oven to 350°F.
- If they are wet, dry the carrots with paper towels. Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat and stir in the carrots, cooking until they are brown all over and tender—10 to 12 minutes. While the carrots cook, mix together the syrup, paprika, and salt in a small bowl. When the carrots are done, add the syrup mixture to the pan and cook for 2 to 3 minutes more. Remove the skillet from the heat and set aside.
- Roll out the crescent dough; separate into 8 triangles. Cut each triangle into 3 smaller triangles so that now there are 24 small triangles.
- Place 1 carrot on the wider side of each triangle; roll the carrot towards the point of the dough and then place it on parchment paper or a silicone mat on a baking sheet. Repeat this with the remaining carrots.
- Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake until the crescent rolls are golden brown—10 to 15 minutes. Remove immediately from the pan and serve hot!
- The maple syrup sometimes pools under the bunnies in blankets while they cook causing them to stick. This is why I recommend a silicone mat or parchment paper. Also removing them immediately off the pan will help them to not stick.
- Piece of a large carrot work just as well as using the baby carrots.