Orzo, Kale + Goat Cheese Salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette



Many of us start the new year with a resolution to get healthy and maybe lose a pound or two.





Everyone knows that if this is your resolution and you’re on a diet, then you should be eating salad.



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Pickled Strawberry + Giant Corn Salad





The word “balance” is thrown out a lot in our lives.





You’re supposed to have a balance between work and play; we all need physical balance, especially when in a crow pose in yoga class or trying to balance our love of chocolate with our love of fitting into our jeans is always a challenge. When it comes to our food, that little word is thrown around like peanuts at a baseball game.



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Brussels Sprouts + Wild Rice Salad with Sliced Pork


I’m a huge cabbage fan...I’m also a huge Buffalo Bills fan, but for now let’s just focus on the cabbage. There is no need to get into a heated football debate until at least August.





Once you start looking at cabbage as more than just a main ingredient in sauerkraut or coleslaw, you will start to see how versatile it can really be.


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