More Veggies Please! is available now!
let me tell you abouT the book:
I love veggies, but getting my kids to love them is a work in progress. I guess this shouldn’t come as a surprise considering I didn’t willingly eat my first vegetable until the age of 20—the name “Picky Nikki” still follows me to this day. And although my kids are good eaters (better than I ever was!), they aren’t great ones, so getting them to eat more vegetables is one of my top priorities. I always include delicious veggies on their plates, but I don’t stress when those veggies go untouched (which happens . . . often). That’s because my cooking incorporates vegetables at every turn. The kids may not have eaten their peas at dinner, but they enjoyed cauliflower and sweet potatoes in their mac and cheese, devoured spinach eggs at breakfast, and asked for more eggplant chicken tenders at lunch!
What I’ve learned—and what might surprise you—is that veggies aren’t just good for our bodies; they also have the potential to enhance the flavor, texture, and overall deliciousness of our favorite dishes. For instance, the finely chopped mushrooms in my burgers intensify the beefy flavor while melting into the patty, and the roasted eggplant I use to replace eggs for breading chicken keeps the chicken irresistibly moist while adding the most intro 1delightful touch of smokiness (get ready for some insanely delicious chicken Parm). And yes, it’s pretty fun—and 100 percent satisfying—to watch my kids eat mushrooms and eggplant in these ways when they would never touch them otherwise.
What’s really great is that cooking this way requires no fancy ingredients or complicated cooking techniques—hey, sometimes I don’t even have time for a shower; I can’t be spending hours on dinner! These are easy, accessible recipes that have been tested hundreds of times, both by me and other parents, to ensure that they work—every time, in every kitchen—perfectly. This book is a collection of my most tried-and-true dishes, ones that wow both picky eaters and foodie parents alike. The recipes here are simply the best mashed potatoes, chicken tenders, and penne alla vodka you will ever have—and they also just so happen to be jam-packed with high-protein beans and nutrient-rich vegetables. Soon you’ll be sitting back with a full belly at a quiet table, vaguely remembering that, oh yeah, your super satisfying, dinner party–worthy meal also contained veggies. TONS. OF. VEGGIES
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